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Could the Fox Engine be used for Silent Hill or other Konami titles?

Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2012 | 0 nhận xét

A while back I posted an article about how Hideo Kojima had toyed with the idea about using the Fox Engine for a future Silent Hill or other Konami titles. Well guess what, that might be a reality that could happen some day. At the Penny Arcade Expo show recently, Hideo Kojima had made a statement about the same issue of making a Silent Hill game utilizing the Fox Engine for it. Here is the statement he made at the PAX prime recently:

“The thing is, once we get the Fox engine moving as we do now. You can make an FPS, you can make an Uncharted, etc. But what I wanted to do is make an open-world game, and that’s what I’m doing now.”

 Yes, we love open world games don't we? That's why we can't wait to play the new Metal Gear game Rising Revengeance and Ground Zero, both of which are very large, open world type games. As for the future of the Silent Hill game series, let's face it, it does need an overhaul. It needs to be reinvented from its old worn out looks, and be revamped with an all new engine. The Fox Engine has shown with Metal Gear just a sample of what it can do for the future of Silent Hill titles. Let's hope.

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