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Pro Evolution Soccer versus FIFA, the battle is about to begin.

Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 9, 2012 | 0 nhận xét

Since we are getting ever so close to the release date of the new Pro Evolution Soccer game on September 25th, some are rushing to judgment about how it's going to compare to EA's FIFA this year. Konami has stated that they have a true contender this time around, returning full total control of the new Pro Evolution Soccer game and adding exclusive licensed teams like the 20 Brazilian teams that were added, among a few other features and additions. Brian Ayer, who is the marketing boss for Konami PR, has stated not to judge the games success on the first week alone, so it looks like it might be a month of sales that will actually decide the full success of the latest Pro Evolution Soccer game, and how it truly competes against FIFA this time around. As in the past few years, PES has always took a second place trophy to FIFA in terms of game play, features and team licensing. This could be the year for Konami games development to hold the number one position.

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