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The Wii-U might see Lords of Shadow 2 sometime in the future, as a slight possibility that isn't quite dismissed by Konami

Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 3, 2013 | 0 nhận xét

A while back I did a post about if Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate will ever come out on the Nintendo Wii-U. That possibility was completely made false by Dave Cox when he gave this statement a while back about it. "Will the Wii U get some LOS 2 love?" The reply?, Dave Cox who is the head of the development team for Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 gave this response soon afterwards. "Sorry to disappoint you but no chance." You can feel free to view that particular post right here.

The reason behind this was the hardware differences that were pointed out by those who didn't quite know why a LOS on Wii-U could ever happen, until of course, a brief interview was done by some folks over at NintendoLife recently that asked this almighty question once again to Dave Cox. Here is the question they asked and the response they got from it. 

 "Castlevania has a long and proud association with Nintendo systems - you've stated that Lords of Shadow 2 is out of the question due to time and resource constraints, but are there any plans whatsoever for the instalment on Wii U?"

Dave Cox: No plans for those very reasons, but I wouldn't rule it out completely.

This is quite interesting to say the least considering that the PS3, Xbox360, and Wii-U are somewhat far apart in hardware. But the possibility of a port being done later on for LOS2 would be intriguing since Nintendo and the world of Castlevania have always had a close symbiotic relationship in the past, and yet still with the latest Mirror of Fate fixing to be unleashed on the 3DS in just a short two days. Now with that being said, I have a great idea. Since Mirror of Fate was done in HD, how about a version of it being ported over to Wii-U so we can see that puppy on the big screen? Do you think that might be an even greater possibility? Just something to think about while your playing Mirror of Fate here in a few days. Insatiable curiosity it seems to me.

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