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The new 3DS Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate promises to deliver at least 20 hours of game play experience for you

Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 1, 2013 | 0 nhận xét

I've been there before. You know, when you see a trailer to a new game and after watching it decide you want it for yourself. Then comes the bad part, when you get it home and play it only to realize you've finished it in only a few hours. Don't you hate it when that happens? I sure do. However there is some really great news for all of you fans of the Castlevania game series out there. That being the latest Castlevania game Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate. According to Dave Cox, who is head of the development team at Mercury Steam, has made a statement recently that addresses the issue of longevity game play value. He states that Mirror of Fate will deliver at LEAST a minimum of 20 hours of game play for those who decide to purchase it. Now with that being said, I want to make one thing crystal clear. Almost every time a developer says that a game will last a certain amount of time, you can almost guarantee that it will be considerably longer than that.

Replay value and download able content are something that Mercury Steam is becoming more and more famous for these days. With this new 3DS Castlevania game you can expect to have some extra goodies likely coming from the Nintendo eShop section soon as well. Lords of Shadow 2 is also expected to have much more DLC than the first one, something that players have been begging for more of since the first one made its debut back in 2010. The new Mirror of Fate game is also expected to be linkable to Lords of Shadow 2 for even more features to boot. So gamers can definitely look forward to a minimum of 20 hours of Castlevania goodness soon, and likely more than that for most of you fans. Once again, Mirror of Fate is set for a launch date in North America on March 5th, while Europe will see its release just a few days later on March 8th. Japanese gamers will get to have a taste soon after on March 20th. In the mean time, check out the latest cool video trailer for the new Castlevania 3DS game below. it lasts exactly 1:45 and showcases some more game play footage and battle scenes within the game. Let me know what you think about it and comment below. Cheers!

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