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Flightgear 2.4 plus something cuddly and something fishy

Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 8, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's... wait, yes, it's a plane. The quintessential FOSS flight simulator gets updated, Flightgear 2.4 (announcement)...
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Planets are a nice thing...

Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 8, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

...but make us FreeGamer blog-authors lazy, as all the news are already in our awesome game and development planets :pNew to the feeds is our revision control planet, for those news-freaks that want to keep up to date even if it is just a change in punctuation of the readme file :pIt is btw interesting to see on this planet how much changes happen in the Xonotic SVN, while to the outward observer...
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PyWeek 13 (And PyWeek 12 Winners)

Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 8, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

It's time PyWeek #13 soon!The dates of this challenge are are 00:00 UTC 2011-09-11 to 00:00 UTC 2011-09-18. Timetable Friday 2011/08/12Registration...
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BZFlag Tournament hosted by Ohava Open Computers

Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 8, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

BZFlagThere will be a tournament of the CTF game BZFlag.When: September 30th, at 5pm ESTWhere: Online(?)How: Visit for...
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News Shorts

Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 8, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

OpenPatrician is a not-yet-playable free implementation in Java of Ascaron's classic The Patrician and The Patrician 2. There are some assets but...
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Keeping up a tradition...

Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 8, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Yes, I post only seldom, but when I do it I keep up the good old tradition of mixing totally unrelated projects in one big post :pSo where to start today?...
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Download Dota 2

Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 8, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Download Dota 2 - Dota 2 reportedly been released, even some of the views Dota 2 has been widely circulated in cyberspace. Some have been busy looking...
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On OpenGameArt 2 and FreeSound 2

Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 8, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

This is old news: OpenGameArt 2 launched and with it an improved interface for browsing and submitting freely licensed game art. Testing, feedback and...
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Open Source in Humble Indie Bundle #3: Haaf's Game Engine (HGE)

Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 8, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

HGE's Particle EditorThe proprietary games sale Humble Indie Bundle has a tradition of including open source engine releases.In all of the other...
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LinWarrior r19+

Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 8, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

LinWarrior r19+ Test VideoI tested and recorded the latest LinWarrior git revision (a few changes since release19). Some of the new features in r19 and after include:Atmospheric daytime setting New units (Flopsy, Scorpion and Tank) Cockpit frame in first-person view Trees, trees, trees The LinWarrior engine is still being developed, for example mechs are still hardcoded rather than configured in textfiles...
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Cubosphere: First Beta

Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 8, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Cubosphere 0.1 Beta testing videoThe first beta release of Cubosphere is available.The game reminds of irrlamb and Neverball but is in fact a tile-based puzzle, rather than a free-physics/precision game. It has a simple level editor and 18 visual/audible styles to chose from. Some features of the 200+ levels are lasers, frying blocks, teleporters, switches, elevators and enemi...
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Some random FPS engine news

Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 8, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Fast games for slow summer news weeks... but actually some of these news are a bit older already also :pTo start out... yes RedEclipse got a (smaller) new release a few days ago, codenamed Supernova (Version 1.1). The release notes can be found in our/their forums, but it plays as great as before (except for the annoying hit sound :p ). Edit: game-play video from one of our forum users.Noteworthy...
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