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The new behind the scenes episode for the Castlevania fan movie is out for public viewing

Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2012 | 0 nhận xét

As with each Tuesday at 12 PM, a new episode has been launched for the ever increasingly popular Castlevania fan movie, which you can watch below, or check it out as well as past episodes from the official page at IGN's START channel. As some of you may or may not know, this is basically a high budget fan based movie, with some pretty well known characters starring in it, such as Marina Sirtis and Michael Dorn from TV's Star Trek The Next Generation. Sirtis played Counselor Troy on that show, and Michael Dorn played the Klingon Worf. Well, in this Castlevania movie, called Castlevania Hymn of Blood, he plays a wearwolf, which is a very fitting role for him considering his Klingon character counterpart he is so used to over the years. This latest episode is number 6, which actually isn't an episode at all. It's a behind the scenes video showing the production of Hymn of Blood, and what effort went into making it. I guess you can look at this latest video as a breather that explains it all, and just before they decide to bring out the next official new episode.

The storyline actually starts out with the birth of Simon Belmont, and following which his mother dies due to complications of his birth. Simon is then taken away from Lord Dracula's castle before he can christen him with his dark powers. Also the makers of this film want to assure that they are in no way affiliated, associated, or even endorsed by Konami games development company. But at the same time, Konami is pretty cool about the idea of a Castlevania game based movie being done. It's either that or they have decided to turn the other cheek and don't mind the production of it, which is also nice to know. As with each new episode that comes out for Castlevania Hymn of Blood, I will post about it here for you to check out, or you can simply head over to the official page for it and hang out there, while also getting to watch previous episodes that you may have missed. Again, IGN's START channel is the official hang out spot for it. Cheers.

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