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Cheat Point Blank wallhack + Brutal New All Weapon 31 December 2011

Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Cheat Point Blank wallhack + Brutal New All Weapon - Cheat PB December 31, 2011 - Point Blank WH wallhack + crosshair + Newest Weapon Replace 31,12, 2011DownloadPasswordAnttention...
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RTS updates (slightly older)

Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

You probably heard about it already, but for the sake of updating this blog and in case you might have missed it over the holiday stress:0 A.D. got a pretty massive update to version 0.8 "Haxāmaniš"!0AD 0.8 videoThe release news have all the details including the possibility to listen to the very nice soundtrack of the game. Oh and the developers are requesting to mention that they are still...
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Cheat Point Blank wallhack + Brutal All New Weapon

Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Cheat Point Blank wallhack + Brutal All New Weapon - For you lovers of the game point blank, this is all wallhack + Cheat Brutal New Weapon 30 December...
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Cheat Lost Saga - Cheat LS + Hit Damage Damage Hack New 2011

Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Lost Saga Cheat - Cheat Lost Saga LS December 29th, 2011 - This latest saga cheat Cheat Lost Lost Saga LS December 29, 2011 - Cheat LS + Hit Damage Damage...
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Cheat Lost Saga

Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Cheat Lost Saga - For those of you lovers of Lost Saga ninja game, this is the latest  Cheat lost Saga. So in playing the game more exciting and...
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4 hours left to apply: Talk in Brussels about your FOSSGame

Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

When: February 5th, 2012, 09:00 - 17:00Where: Brussels, Belgium, Europe, EarthMore info h...
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Modern retro-graphics: RetroBlazer

Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Short call for help: Awesome looking retro-graphics game is looking for a Darkplaces QC programmer.So far only two screen-shots have been released (and...
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Crowd-Sourced Portraits ETA: February 2012!

Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

New fantasy portraits by Justin Nichol [more here]Remember Justin Nichol's crowd-sourced fantasy portrait commission?In a recent announcement the...
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Why we need a stronger copyleft for artists, and how this might be accomplished.

Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Currently, art copylefts are weak with respect to code. If I'm a programmer and I want to write code that's specifically for use in libre software, all...
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Trepidation 2011-12-20

Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

999 ammo in TrepidationTrepidation is an open source first person shooter based on the IOQuake3 engine. It was originally conceived on April 9, 2006 with...
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Open-Sourcing Canabalt was a Success

Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Adam Saltsman, developer of the bsd-code, closed-assets, one-button reaction game Canabalt wrote about the effects of Open-Sourcing Your Game While...
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Ludum Dare, Game Jams and Licenses

Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Olofson's LD22 gameFree, open source licenses are underrepresented at game jams and contests.This weekend's Ludum Dare ends in a few hours and it already...
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Hale Review & Flare 0.15 Video

Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Hale RPGA very fine read is this review of the TBS/RPG Hale. Its first comment was written by the sole developer.Video: Flare 0.15Flare 0.15 introduces...
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Whats happening in OpenDungeons?

Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Hello, I am one of the OpenDungeons (OD) developers and I wrote this blog post for FreeGamer.I bet you're all very excited about whats been going on lately,...
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Game Naruto Indonesia

Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Indonesia Game Naruto - Naruto is one of the anime and manga series of the most popular in various parts of the world and including in Indonesia. Naruto...
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Minimal puzzles: Search for Smodrick 1.3.1 and Black Obelisk

Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Search for Smodrick 1.3.1, a simple ncurses-based game, was recently uploaded to SourceForge.Nearly dead in Search for Smodrick 1.3.1The gameplay consists...
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Aleph One 1.0 released

Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 12, 2011 | 0 nhận xét

Hard to believe, but after 12 years of community development, the guys from the open-source engine based on Bungie's Marathon trilogy Aleph One have finally released a version called 1.0!If you are lazy, you can watch this first part of a long set of "let's play" videos to get run through this FPS classic: Let's play Aleph One (Part 1)But honestly? This thing even runs on your cell phone (unless...
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