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25 years of the Contra game series and how it has evolved over the years with each new console

Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 5, 2012 | 0 nhận xét

Didn't think I would stop at just Castlevania and forget that this is also the 25th anniversary of the Contra game series did you? Good grief these days I wish Konami would produce a couple more Contra game hits because it seems the whole focus lately is on Metal Gear and Pro Evolution Soccer, not to mention the Silent Hill game series. This article just like the one for Castlevania can also be found at the same site which is MultiplayerBlog. Contra is one of those long time running series that time just can't forget, and if we are lucky enough, the saga will have new life breathed back into it, giving us another adventure to feast upon. 

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